Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle says “There are two levels to your pain: the pain that you create now, and the pain from the past that still lives on in your mind and body.”
Most of us would say we want to live without pain. However Eckhart suggests we have a ‘pain body’ that seeks pain. And just like the needy monsters in the series ‘Stranger Things’, this pain body wants feeding. The hunger of the ‘pain body’ is only satisfied when we experience strong negative emotional reactions.
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How often have you said, ”I knew that was going to happen” or “I just felt it wasn't right”?
Why don’t we listen to our gut/ instinct/ intuition? Put very simply, it’s because we, our society hasn't valued intuition and gut instinct. We are not encouraged or formally taught to develop and listen to this great, insightful and valuable tool.
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Unless you’re in the 1% of the population that thinks like a psychopath, sometimes what's good for you, is the best for others. It might sound crazy but it’s true. Putting yourself first, can be the best service you can do for your kids, partner, boss and others who lean on you.
The next time you want to do something that makes you feel good, whole, or points you towards the path that you really want in life, think; it Selfish or Self-full?
‘Self-full’ is allowing yourself to fill your own energetic and creative cup first. By filling your own energetic tank and connecting to yourself you are inviting your authentic self to be present. Your energy and inspiration then over-spills into the lives of others.
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In the past week it’s being reported that Australia has reduced koalas populations from millions, to 20,000. And that pretty big country towns in NSW are at ‘zero water’; that means “the fish will die and we won't be able to drink," ABC News reported. Crikey... That makes me sad.
It certainly is a challenge to keep… lets say... on top of things. There's SO much information coming through. And a lot of this ‘content’ isn't great.
Statistics show ‘How can I get happy’ is one of the most popular questions on Google with more than 6 billion search results”. Wow! If you’re a little, or a lot unhappy, you’re not alone.
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